Why Do We Need Good Lighting In Our Lives

Why Do We Need Good Lighting In Our Lives

There is no denying that good lighting can completely change the mood of a room. It can make it seem more inviting, cozy, and comfortable.

But did you know that good lighting can also improve your health? In this blog post, we will discuss the significance of good lighting in our lives and how it can benefit us both physically and emotionally.

We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right light fixtures for your home! So, whether you are looking to create a more inviting space or simply improve your health, read on to learn more about the importance of good lighting.

1) Helps Our Body Produce Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for our health, yet many of us are deficient in this important vitamin. Vitamin D helps to maintain strong bones, supports immunity, and can even improve your mood.

The best way to get vitamin D is by exposing our skin to sunlight. However, if you live in a place with long winters or do not have access to sunlight, vitamin D supplements are also an option. While we need some artificial light exposure during the day (like when we’re working indoors), too much blue light exposure at night can disrupt our sleep patterns.

This is why it’s important to have a mix of both natural and artificial light sources in our lives. There is also light therapy, which can be used to treat the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other mood disorders. If you’re interested in light therapy, speak to your doctor to see if it’s right for you.

2) Reduces Stress Levels and Anxiety

Good lighting can also help to reduce stress levels and anxiety. In one study, participants who were exposed to natural light for just 40 minutes had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who did not.

Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress and can have negative effects on our health if we are constantly exposed to it. These effects include weight gain, high blood pressure, and difficulty sleeping.

Another study found that people who work in offices with lots of natural light reported higher levels of satisfaction with their job and less eye strain and headaches than those who work in dimmer office conditions.

3) Improves Sleep Quality

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many of us do not get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

This is often due to stress, anxiety, or busy schedules. But did you know that poor lighting can also disrupt our sleep patterns? Studies have shown that exposure to blue light at night can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us to fall asleep. This is why it’s important to limit our exposure to blue light (from screens like phones and computers) in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Instead, we should try to relax in dimmer, yellow-toned lighting to help prepare our bodies for sleep.

4) Increases Productivity

Many of us spend the majority of our days indoors, so it’s important to make sure that the lighting in our workspaces is conducive to productivity.

Studies have shown that employees who work in well-lit offices are more productive than those who don’t. In one study, office workers who were exposed to natural light had a 54% higher chance of reporting high job satisfaction.

They also reported feeling more alert and having less eye strain and headaches than those who did not have access to natural light. If you’re looking to increase your productivity at work, try to get a desk near a window or invest in some quality task lighting.

5) Boosts Our Mood

Finally, good lighting can also improve our moods, especially in combination with the right colors on the walls. One study found that people who were exposed to brighter light had lower levels of depression than those who did not. This is likely because exposure to sunlight helps to increase the production of serotonin, a hormone that helps to regulate our mood.

If you’re feeling down, try spending some time outside in the sunshine or investing in a light therapy lamp.

There are many benefits of good lighting, both physically and emotionally. If you are looking to improve your health or create a more inviting space, consider these tips on how to use lighting to your advantage. Also, be sure to consult with a lighting professional to ensure that your space is properly lit for your needs. This way, you can enjoy all the benefits of good lighting without any of the negative impacts.