Beige-y or Flashy: Old Money vs New Money Living Spaces

Hero is modern classic style Dakota Prairie Residence via / PROJECT TEAM Bob Le Moine, Kristine Anderson, Cynthia Burns, Bennett Bossert, Tommy Everson INTERIOR DESIGNER Martha Dayton Design LANDSCAPE DESIGN Land Elements Landscape Architects STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING A.M. Structural Engineering CONTRACTOR Tomlinson Schultz PHOTOGRAPHY Spacecrafting
For those entranced by the glittering world of flashy aesthetics, the debate between old money and new money houses in the world of design is one that has long been a draw. Are you a contrarian who prides themselves on not giving into the Scandi minimalism everywhere? New money vibe seems like an obvious choice - but then it’s a known fact that living in an abode full of neutrals just psychologically feels better. Conflicting, isn’t it?
In this article, we mean to give you a picture of both these styles so that you can - let’s face it - daydream better. We will explore the distinct differences between these two worlds – from the subtle, inconspicuous elegance of old money to the overt, ostentatious flashiness of new money. Whether it be the grand palaces of old world aristocrats or the budding tycoons of modern-day, these houses of wealth both reflect, and create, a certain feel.
Timeless vs On-Trend Living
Eulogising luxury, old money seeks to create a timeless, classic style that can transcend generations. All about taste, not showiness, it has a sophisticated refinement, with muted, quality fabric choices, and natural materials that emphasise the beauty of the life made simple.
One might say that old money speaks of discreet pleasure, as it seeks to indulge and tantalise without calling too much attention to itself.
It also celebrates freedom: Old money interiors are meant to not interfere with your life by drawing attention to themselves. They are just supposed to enable you work as well as your leisure.

In contrast to that focus on interiors that are easy to live in but not showy, new money is all about flaunting it while you have it. That attitude has plenty of aesthetic merits, too. It is bringing forth a fresh wave of extravagance and indulgence. Fabrics are far more visually interesting as well as brighter, contrasting heavily with the muted tones of old money.
New money can also be done in a neutral color palette, though. In this case the decor often features golden or ornate details. Whereas old money designs seek to blend in with your life, which arguably is a kind of luxury, new money uses bold designs and exaggerated symbols of wealth to show off. The new money aesthetic is much grander and features a lot of items that have no use nor a sentimental value - they are just purely for the effect.
The maximalist flair of new money styles are in a way as extravagant as what we see in makeup for that aesthetic - ostentatious with vibrant highlights.
Is that an environment where you can focus and relax? It can be, depending on your sensory preferences. There absolutely are people who need this bright visual input in their life.

It’s also worth mentioning that not every bold designer choice ends up being a fad. Some architectural currents that garnered attention at first are now considered classic, like the bauhaus villa below. Nothing is black-and-white, not even old money vs new money houses.
BAUHAUS VILLA 1936. Konstancin-Jeziorna / Poland / 2020. Photo: Joel Hauck
Either way, from the captivating hues of new money to the timeless sophistication of old money, these two worlds of fashion offer an escape into a realm of indulgence and pleasure. Step in to either side of the debate and be prepared to luxuriate in the delicate mix of aesthetics and extravagance.
16 Stunning Old and New Money Abodes

Pelican Lake Residence, modern but timeless. Via / PROJECT TEAM Bob Le Moine, Kristine Anderson, Gabriel Keller INTERIOR DESIGNER Nada Bibi Interior Design BUILDER Tomlinson Schultz PHOTOGRAPHY Spacecrafting

This mid-century modern mansion also belongs to Elon Musk - noticeably more minimalist and streamlined.

East Parkway Residence from the outside. Via / DESIGN TEAM Gabriel Keller, Chad Healy, Lars Peterssen, Ashley Peterson INTERIOR DESIGNER Brooke Voss Interior Design BUILDER Elevation Homes PHOTOGRAPHY Steve Henke Studio

Interior of the East Parkway Residence from the outside. Via

Old money is all about inconspicuous consumption, which means that the focus of dressing and makeup is on subtlety. Not only is the clothing itself is understated, but the makeup is typically muted as well. Mannerisms of the wearer suggest elegance, restraint, and confidence without drawing attention to themselves. There is often a classic feel to the fashion choices, and colors that compliment each other without overpowering them.
New money, on the other hand, is all about flaunting. They want to be seen, to make a statement, and to draw people’s attention. The clothing is often bright and loud, and are usually chosen for the impact they make as opposed to their simplicity. Additionally, makeup is often bold and daring. Trends are embraced rather than shied away from, and vibrant hues take the place of muted tones. Every detail serves a purpose—to draw and hold the attention of onlookers.
The pleasure and indulgence that comes with old money and new money is there either way, though. Neither of these aesthetics skimps on quality, and so you will get the soft fabrics like cashmere, velvets, and satins to provide elegant comfort. The only difference is that they will be either boldly printed or in sandy neutrals.
Ultimately, old money and new money houses provide two contrasting approaches to one thing - comfortable living.