Dark Feminine Energy Affirmations: A Powerful Essence to Embrace

Hero credits: Photography by IG @melony.lemon
Dark femininity is a concept bringing together concept that might feel as if they exist in the shadows of more conventionally accepted femininity: Power, desire, mystery. For those who have been drawn to the concept, it can be that the dark feminine mood becomes quite a powerful source of strength. As long as your mind is open to change and challenge, even just dressing differently absolutely can help you allow yourself to embrace a deeper, more confident sense of self.
While the dark feminine aesthetic in fashion might quite understandably not be everyone’s cup of tea, the essence of that vibe is something that would benefit almost everyone.
It’s important to keep things balanced, so let me first mention that too much of the dark femme can make you ruthless, grandiose and even pretty close to traumatizing to those around you. On the other hand, I don’t think that risk warrants discarding the whole concept just for safety’s sake.
Photography by IG @sheila_velasco
At its core, dark femininity aims to reclaim the power and agency of those deemed “dark” by highlighting the self-honoring comfort that can be found in exploring shadow aspects. It’s about accepting yourself as you are and knowing that even marginalized experiences can be sacred sites of exploration and renewal.
So, the idea of dark feminine energy is indeed a powerful one. It would be the type of energy that harbors introspection and inner strength. With this type of attitude, a person would feel lastingly confident and driven, able to ride out the bumps independently, while also being in touch with their own emotions, feeling for other people and intuition.
Outfit from Bazhane IG @bazhane_btq
Dark feminine energy brings out a sublime strength, a resilience in the face of hardship and a determination to move forward despite any challenges.
Dark Feminine Energy Affirmations
Below are just a few affirmations you can use if you’re looking to build up your own inner strengths and guidance.
- I create my own destiny.
- I trust in my intuition.
- My vulnerability is part of my strength.
- I am strong in my capacity for feeling.
- It’s okay to let go of what no longer serves me.
- My power lies in reclaiming who I am.
- I allow myself to be shaped by my experiences.
- I am capable of healing.
- I can be both wild and gentle.
- I am grounded in my wisdom and intuition.
- I create meaning out of my shadows.
- I choose to express my power in my own unique way.
- I value the unique perspective I have to offer.
- I am seen in all my dark beauty.
- I am a source of light that brings transformation.
- I recognize my power and how I use it.
- I trust in my own ability to make decisions.
- I express my full potential, flaws and all.
- I embrace my darkness, and in doing so, I access my power.
- I can make my dreams come true.
- I am resilient and brave.
- I have the power to control my life.
- I will stand up for my beliefs.
- I am willing to take risks.
- I am enough.
- I am worthy.
- I am strong.
- I have the potential to do incredible things.
- I honour the depths of my emotions.
- I accept my darkness and find solace in its embrace.
- I am in tune with the collective energies around me.
Jewelry from TheLittleStatementSH on Etsy
Robyn Rihanna Fenty is definitely the one celebrity that seems to identify with dark femininity the most. She’s proudly a bad girl, which when you look at it means a believer in herself, really. From her early years, she has pushed the proverbial boundaries in her creative work and beliefs in equality and justice. Empowerment, self-confidence, and the drive to take risks—these are all qualities of dark feminine energy that she anchors strongly in her public persona.
Ariana Grande is another celeb who many identify with as having an air of dark feminine energy. The singer-songwriter has battled her own demons and obstacles to reach her position of success. There’s also a passion and heaviness behind her message of resilience and self-love that she shares with her fans.
The list of celebs who embody dark feminine energy would go on and on, but let’s leave that for another time.