Mid Century Minimalism: Combining Old and New in Interior Design

Mid Century Minimalism: Combining Old and New in Interior Design

Artwork by Irena Orlov (buy on Etsy!)

There’s something about the clean lines, natural materials, and timeless style of mid century furniture that has captivated design lovers for decades.

The minimalist aesthetic, on the other hand, has gained in popularity in recent years, with its emphasis on simplicity, functionality, and a less-is-more approach. But how can you combine the two to create a modern yet warm and inviting space? In this blog post, we’ll explore the mid century minimalism interior aesthetic and share some tips on how to achieve it in your own home.

Start with a neutral palette:

To create a cohesive look that’s both minimal and mid century-inspired, it’s a good idea to start with a neutral color scheme.

Geometric midcentury minimalist art via Etsy: Inprimo

Think of white, black, grey, beige, and earthy tones. These hues work well with natural materials like wood, leather, and stone, which are often featured in mid century furniture. Use color sparingly, as an accent, or to create a focal point in the space.

Furniture by @treaptyque

Mix old and new:

When it comes to furniture and decor, don’t be afraid to mix vintage finds with modern designs.

Artwork by Irena Orlov (buy on Etsy!)

A mid century sofa paired with a sleek coffee table, or a retro chair combined with a contemporary lamp, can make for a visually interesting and unique look.

Balance is key here; you don’t want the space to feel too cluttered or too sterile. Look for pieces that complement each other in terms of color, texture, and scale.

IG @o_roulston

Embrace natural light:

Mid-century minimalist interiors often feature large windows and open floor plans that allow natural light to flow in.

To enhance this effect in your own space, consider maximizing the amount of light that enters the room. Remove heavy curtains, invest in sheer or light-blocking shades, and use reflective surfaces like mirrors or metallic accents to bounce light around the space.

IG @mr.roofpot

Use texture to create warmth:

While the minimalist aesthetic often favors smooth and polished surfaces, a mid century-inspired space benefits from the addition of texture. Think of wool rugs, woven blankets, rattan chairs, or wooden accents. These elements create a sense of warmth and depth, and add a cozy touch to the space.

Keep it simple and functional:

One of the main tenets of the minimalist aesthetic is functionality. This applies to mid century furniture as well, where form and function are equally important. Choose furniture that serves a practical purpose and has a timeless look. Focus on the essentials, and avoid excessive ornamentation or clutter. This will ensure that your space remains both stylish and livable.

IG @aaroninteriors

The mid century minimalist interior aesthetic is all about finding a delicate balance between modern and classic, minimal and warm, functional and stylish. By using a neutral palette, mixing old and new, maximizing natural light, adding texture, and keeping things simple, you can create a space that feels both inviting and timeless. If you’re drawn to mid century furniture but also appreciate the simplicity and clean lines of modern design, this aesthetic might be just what you’ve been looking for. So go ahead, embrace the mid century minimalist vibe and make it your own!