Darkcore Aesthetic Outfits: What is darkcore and how to do darkcore in fashion?
In fashion aesthetics, there is no standard definition for the sub-genres. That means the lines get blurry and there’s a lot of overlap between aesthetic outfits in darkcore, emo, gothic or even darkwear and techwear genres.
Here’s what Reddit has to say about darkcore aesthetic: Yes it’s a music subreddit. You can get the best idea about darkcore aesthetic from music or movies because darkcore is all about feelings. dark, eerie, uncomfortable feelings. If you start with fashion though, you’ll probably go directly to emo, which is not quite it.
The fact is that emo as a fashion aesthetic is probably closest to darkcore fashion aesthetic, but emo developed from the punk scene in the 90s and 2000’s. There’s still the same basic rule to keep the outfit in dark tones and emo does use elements like skull prints. Overall there is a difference between emo and darkcore in that emo gives a far less eerie vibe.
Emo is about rebelling but darkcore is macabre.
At the superficial glance it both ends up translating vaguely into black clothes, so take extra care in choosing the prints on your tops if you want to make sure it will be darkcore. The darkcore prints are often photos that are blurry and shifted, as if you snapped a picture on the run from something terrible.
With its shadowy lines and spooky dark lines, darkcore aesthetic is supposed to send a chill down your spine. But it’s not all doom and gloom - the darkcore aesthetic can also be used to create some seriously badass things. That’s why darkcore aesthetic can be also the perfect way to express yourself creatively - it’s not just about whatever is uncomfortable.
If you’re looking for a few more darkcore aesthetic outfits that will give you the feels of a dark, abandoned house or creepy black void, then keep scrolling.