Rich People Outfits - Take Notes from The Shabby Style of Rich People

Have you ever walked past a millionaire and found their fashion sense to be, well, underwhelming? You might have been baffled by this; after all, why a wealthy person wouldn’t dress in expensive, trendy clothes that could easily demonstrate their wealth and status?
The fact of the matter is - rich people often dress plainly, even shabby at times, and there’s a reason behind it.
We have written about that before. In this blog post, we are going to get into more inspo and explore the fashion secret of rich people, and why they dress like they don’t have money to burn.
Confidence is Wealth
When you have enough money to buy the world’s most luxurious clothing, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Rich people often have a robust sense of self and don’t need to rely on their looks or clothes to be admired.
Instead, they focus on what matters most, their internal qualities that contribute to their wealth.
There are several reasons why a lot of the affluent love minimalism, but probably the most prosaic one is that minimalist clothes are easy to live in and combine well, which means you don’t have to spend half your life shopping. Your attention is precious.
Spending less on clothing allows rich people to have a stronger sense of self, and they are less concerned about external validation.
Again, in terms of fashion aesthetics, this would translate into anything from minimalism to grandpacore.

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Investing in Quality Over Quantity
Sure, you could purchase several pairs of designer shoes, but why not put that same amount of money into high-end shoes that are made with superior materials, stylish, and made to last? Rich people understand the value of investing in quality over quantity, because it’s not just money you’re trading in: It’s your time and attention, too.
There’s also the material reality of the monied life hidden in it. When you have resources, you spend your life eating good meals and you probably live without the constant stress about the eight to twelve hours you have to spend at work. Over time, along with self-care and aesthetic medicine, this translates into good bodies and less aging.
So that’s why they look for items that they can wear repeatedly without worrying about damaging, and that can take their rigorous lifestyles.
That means they would choose clothing that can also be much more versatile and just-about-pass for different occasions. You won’t be able do this with statement clothes, so your best bet here is on elevated basics.

Keeping a Low Profile
While some wealthy people enjoy flaunting their wealth, others prefer to avoid a flashy appearance that could attract unwanted attention on the daily.
Obviously, context matters here. There is a lot of people who relish in showing up to an event with a flashy outfit or truckload of designer accessories with the purpose of making others feel uncomfortable, especially those who are less fortunate.
At the same time, rich people understand that dressing modestly can also help them keep a low profile, both in social and professional settings.

Setting The Tone for Others
It’s no secret that some successful people are known for being born into wealth and nothing else. But some of them do actually have exceptional skills in business, leadership, and management.
In business, uniformity in employee attire is often influenced by the dress code of the CEO. By dressing down, the CEO can set a tone of minimalism and prudence. Employees are then encouraged to do the same. This not only projects a particular brand culture but helps employees focus more on working hard and being productive while giving no preference to anyone based on appearance.
Prioritizing Comfort
Lastly, rich people dress kind of shabby often because they prioritize comfort above all else. And why wouldn’t they, when they have the money.
I think there’s an important in that they value the way they feel over the way they look, as long as they look vaguely presentable. That must cut down the unnecessary daily stress quite a bit.
Comfortable clothing and shoes free you to move and engage in activities with ease, so why shouldn’t we all be more concerned with the functionality of clothing than just its appearance.
Rich people dressing shabby might sound counterintuitive to the image and style that we typically associate with wealth and success. But the truth is, by dressing down, they prioritize comfort, emphasize quality over quantity, focus on setting a low profile, and reinforcing best practices for employees. They are confident in their success and know that comfort is paramount to productivity. Thus, the stereotype of the faded t-shirt and ripped jeans may be worth adhering to if your ultimate goal is to look like a wealthy and successful entrepreneur.