All articles that vibe with self

Beauty Magic: Embracing Your Charismatic Aura Through Eye Makeup

Everyone will tell you, perhaps well-meaningly, that true charisma shines from within. But they will also usually admit that wearing certain types of shoes or outfits makes them feel more...

The Words That Set Your Makeup Ablaze: Embrace Your Inner Empowerment with these Beauty Quotes

They say that confidence is the key to conquering any stage, whether it be the runway of life or the red carpet of your dreams. And what better accessory to...

The Beauty of Contrast: 5 Instagram Accounts that Celebrate Duality

Finding harmony in contrast is that kind of duality that brings balance and beauty to our lives. The principles of several different art forms rely on it, and yet in...

Power Plays: Fashion as Emotional Armor - Yes or No

Putting on a face that is not quite you, a mask that shields your emotions, is what we commonly refer to as emotional armor. It’s that stylish shield we fashionistas...

Fantasy or Inner Reflection? The Hidden World of Shadow Work in Dreams

As aesthetic enthusiasts, we often find ourselves captivated by the fantastical styles and unique designs that push the boundaries of self-expression. But what if we told you that fashion doesn’t...

Awaken Your Inner Artist: Embrace Conceptual Jewelry and Join the Tribe of Creatives

Hey there, my flashy-fashion-forward friend! If you’re seeking a style transformation that goes beyond the ordinary and lures you into a world of artistic expression, then get ready to discover...

Minimalist Mind: Cultivating Inner Peace in a Fast-Paced World

Welcome to a secret realm where simplicity meets serenity, and tranquility is found amidst the chaos of our fast-paced world. It’s a place where the whisper of a gentle breeze...

The Power of Self-Care - Exploring the Gentle Side of Feminine Beauty

In the realm of alternative fashion, where we celebrate uniqueness and self-expression as part of self-care.

The Essence of Self-Expression: More Than Meets the Eye

Fashion is one of the best tools for self-expression, and that’s one of the reasons why it’s so important to young people and everyone else who didn’t get completely jaded....

Experience the Serenity: Wellness Practices Inspiring a Life of Bliss

In a world that seems to constantly be on the go, finding moments of serenity can feel like an elusive dream. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we...

Fashionably United: Female Friendships, the Ultimate Accessory

Friendship, that sweet elixir of life, is truly a treasure, and when two remarkable women come together, their bond transcends time and space. From the pages of classic novels to...

10+ Whimsical Kawaii Fashion Choices To Celebrate Your quirks

Today, we’re diving headfirst into a mesmerizing realm where cotton candy dreams and unicorns dance hand in hand – it’s time to embrace your quirks and celebrate the whimsical wonderland...

The Twin Flame Trend: Separating Fact from Fiction

Have you ever stumbled across the term “twin flame” in a random conversation or spotted it all over your social media feed and wondered what it really means? Brace yourself,...

Kindness Starts Within: Nurturing Empathy and Compassion

While we’re all familiar with spreading cheer and goodwill toward others, it often slips our minds that self-compassion and empathy for ourselves are equally important. In this issue, we dive...

The Impact of Pet Ownership on Young Women’s Personal Growth

Pet lovers can list dozens of benefits they get from their fur babies, with unconditional love at the top. Nearly everyone can enhance their life by including pets, but young...

Awakening the Spirit: Journal Prompts To Harness Your Intuition

In today’s journal prompts, we dive headfirst into the enchanting realm of intuition, exploring how to awaken our spirits and tap into our inner wisdom. Yes, you heard me right...

Feminine Manifestation: 6 Soothing Affirmations For Balance of the Power of Light

In a world constantly in flux, it’s important to find grounding elements that bring us solace, strength, and a sense of purpose. Today, we dive into the depths of femininity...

Serenity within Chaos: Journal Prompts for Embracing Stillness and Finding Balance

I know it’s hard to imagine, but there is a world inside us where tranquility reigns amidst the relentless turmoil of our daily lives. It’s not easy to find your...

10 Journal prompts about Embracing Self-Expression and the Power of Owning Your Individuality

Prompt: Act as a writer for an alternative fashion magazine. Write an engaging article, including headlines, on topic: 10 Journal prompts about Embracing Self-Expression and the Power of Owning Your...

Piercing as Personal Expression: How Feminine Aesthetics are Embracing Body Jewelry

Body jewelry has a rich history that dates back centuries. What started as a cultural and religious practice eventually evolved into a fairly versatile tool for self-expression. Still, be it...

Be Your Most Balanced Self: Unlocking Your Essence with the Light Feminine

We’ve got something truly illuminating in store for you today. Forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a moment and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and...

Unapologetically Unique: Celebrate Your Inner Glam Girl Attitude

Title nail art and photo: @cristinaccalvo

10 Instagram Accounts For Personal Creativity: Using Eclectic Expression as a Path to Self-Discovery and Authenticity

In a digital age where inspiration is just a scroll away, Instagram has become a treasure trove of creativity, personal expression, and self-discovery.

Breaking Boundaries: 10 Journal prompts for Embracing Boldness and Vibrancy in Personal Growth

In a world that often encourages conformity and playing it safe, there is an exhilarating and transformative path awaiting those who dare to be bold.

Embracing Sensitivity: How the Softcore Aesthetic Celebrates Vulnerability

In a world that often celebrates strength and resilience, there is a growing movement that seeks to honor a different kind of power - the power of vulnerability.

Take Control: 10 Inspiring Quotes to Remind You That You Are Fabulous - Even Single!

We’ve all felt it, time and time again – the stigma attached to being single. Society sometimes tells us that we need to be in relationships to be fully fulfilled,...

Love on a Roller-Coaster Ride: Soulmate Unexpected Love Quotes

In the hero shot: White boho dress from mimetik

Can You Get a Glow Up? (And should you want it?) How to Shine Bright from Inside Out

We’ve all seen the transformation magic of a ‘glow up.’ Sometimes they happen when you fall in love, sometimes when you’re dumped - it seems there is no hard and...

Shadow Quotes to Deepen Your Inner Journey

Hero shot via IG @overture2000

Glow from Within: Uncover the Light Feminine Energy Psychology Within You

In the hero shot: Hair color by Calgary stylist IG @qtran

7 Characteristics of a Strong Woman: Rising Above & Owning it

In hero shot: Leather jacket from BAZHANE

Be Heard, Be Seen, Be Rebellious! 5 Grunge Quotes to Empower You Today

In hero shot: Y2K grunge khakis from RoiFashionCollection

Emilia Wickstead

Emilia Wickstead is a minimalist fashion designer based in London. Wickstead comes from New Zealand and first came to Europe to pursue art studies, not fashion. She launched her career...

Xiao Li (Knit High Fashion from London)

Xiao Li is studied at the Royal College of Art. The world took notice when she presented a beautiful collection in 2013. She made garments in which she combined knitting...

Melissa Leapman

Melissa Leapman is perhaps the most widely known indie knit and crochet designer.